The Luxe
The Luxe, a multifamily residential and retail development, is located in an emerging neighborhood of eastern Pasadena within easy walking distance to the Allen Avenue Gold Line Station. Architecturally, the design of the property pays homage to the history of the city while creating a fully contemporary apartment community with modern amenities.
The design of the 131-unit development reflects elements of the beloved Spanish Revival style with limited ornamentation, pale stucco and precast walls, deep arches, recessed voids and windows that allow shadows to define the character of the architecture. Further, the ground floor plan features paseo-like entryways and courtyards, while along Walnut Street traditional stoops at the first-floor entries activate the streetscape. At the landmark corner of Walnut and Allen Streets, the former site of a historic lumberyard is celebrated with an exuberant wooden crown on the retail component of the complex.
Services: Architecture
Product Type: Mixed Use – Multifamily For Rent with Retail
Construction Type: Type V Wood Over Podium
- Total Units: 131
- Site Size: 1.92 Acres
- Density: 68 du/ac