Chris Scheffers
Since joining BSB Design in 2013, Chris has progressed in her career as an HR professional by fulfilling many different roles within the firm. During her tenure, she has worked in administration, finance, and human resources, which has provided additional knowledge beneficial to fulfilling her current role as Director of Human Resources. She is responsible for providing strategic guidance to leadership for all aspects of human resources. This includes providing direction in the development of HR policies, compensation structure, Federal and State compliance, and driving the firm’s people management strategy. She has extensive experience in management and human resources spanning a period of 34 years. Her passion for watching others succeed and grow, and believing in the future of BSB Design is what continues to drive her in making it the best place to work.
Fun Fact
Chris is a self-proclaimed military brat born, the youngest of five siblings and was just a "little" spoiled. As a toddler, she lived in Ramstein, Germany for a few years before moving to the states. She has three grown children and three grandchildren. Chris owns an acreage in southern Iowa and loves to be outdoors working in the garden, tending her flowerbeds or relaxing in the pool.